Tony Robbins – 7 Different Beliefs To Success

I am a huge fan of Anthony Robbins and listen to
his speeches, talks etc… religiously.

Tony Robbins - My Mentor/Hero

Below are 7 beliefs Tony describes that if applied
consistently to your life and/business, will
will let you see results immediately.

Here they are:

Belief 1–Everything happens for a reason and a purpose. Even if
something doesnt turn out how you wanted,take that as a learning
experience and imagine the possibilities of improvement. What did
you learn? How can i improve this situation?

Belief 2–There is no such thing as failure,only results. Never look
at a result that you did not want as a failure, look at it as a
learning experience.

Belief 3–Whatever happens,take responsibility. Great leaders and
succesful people all believe that they create their own world.
Remember the phrase “I am responsible, I will take care of it!”

Belief 4–It is not neccesary to understand everything to use it.If
other people have done something or you have tried it and it worked,
then go out and do that. Do not spend tons of time analyzing
everything, do it and then if you want to go back and study how it
works, thats fine. Like Nike says “Just Do It”

Belief 5-People are our greatest resource. Take advantage of
information that people are sharing. Learn from others who are
succesfull. If someone is offering free information through word of
mouth, or newsletters, or seminars, take the information and learn
from it.

Belief 6–Work is play. Do you know any succesful person who
absolutely hates what he does? I dont think so. Enjoy life,Enjoy
your business. Mark Twain once said”the secret to success is making
your vocation your vacation” Thats what succesful people do.

Belief 7–There is no abiding success without commitment. Individuals who succeed have a belief in the power of commitment. Use the term W.I.T.- Whatever it takes.

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About walkwithwalt

Just a guy trying to get his ideas out and give as much value as possible to the world.
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2 Responses to Tony Robbins – 7 Different Beliefs To Success

  1. Erin says:

    Thanks! I’m hoping Tony can help me turn some tough things in my life around to be successful. This post was right here when I needed it after watching his TED talk and wondering “What are the 7 beliefs, darn it?” πŸ™‚

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